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What is SEVIS?

Student and Exchange Visitor Information (SEVIS) is a web-based system that maintains information on students and exchange visitors in F-1 or J-1 status; and their dependents in F-2 or J-2 status. SEVIS is managed by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).

What is SEVP?

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) manages schools, international students in F-1 status. The Department of State (DoS) manages the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program and exchange visitors in J-1 status. SEVP and DoS use SEVIS to track and monitor schools; exchange visitor programs, and student and scholars in F-1 and J-1 visas while they are in the U.S. and participate in the U.S. educational System.

What is reported in SEVIS?

Information reported in SEVIS includes:

  1. Information about you and your J-1 program.
  2. Updates on your arrival and check-in to UCI
  3. Any changes to your J-1 program
    • Change in J-1 program start and/or end date
    • Changes in source of funding and/or funding amount
    • Changes in UCI host department
    • Changes in UCI site of activity address
    • Changes in UCI academic appointment and/or activity
    • Delays or cancellation of activity at UCI, including reason for delay or cancellation
  4. Updates on your address
  5. Extensions of J-1 program
  6. Completion of the program before the end date of the DS-2019.
  7. Travel outside the U.S. for 30 days or more
  8. Departure from UCI
  9. Changes in immigration status
As a J-1 scholar what is my responsibility?

Your immigration status requires that you maintain compliance with regulations and that you follow reporting requirements. Failure to follow regulations may result in your SEVIS record being terminated and you losing your F-1/J-1 visa status.

What happens if my SEVIS record is terminated?

A terminated SEVIS record could indicate that you are no longer maintaining status if the termination was a result of a visa status violation. If you lose your visa status, you will no longer have employment eligibility and will be unable to re-enter the U.S. in a terminated SEVIS record.

How can I regain my visa status?

Please contact the IC Scholar Advising team at internationalscholar@uci.edu to further discuss your case.