Withdrawal from UCI

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If you are planning to take time off from your academic studies, you will need to follow the directions that apply to you and report your plans to the International Center before you leave UCI.

Academic Leave of Absence (Graduate Students Only)

If you are planning to take a leave of absence (LOA) for any reason (other than medical reason), your SEVIS record must be terminated, and you will be required to be outside of the U.S. You must schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor to discuss your immigration status and procedures for your return to the U.S. 

Steps to Apply for Academic Leave of Absence:

  • You will need to contact your academic department to initiate the Leave of Absence process
  • You must also upload the Student Check-Out to the International Center’s Student Upload Tool
  • If you have already paid fees for the quarter you wish to take a Leave of Absence, you must also apply for a withdrawal on the Registrar’s Office StudentAccess page

Withdrawing from studies will affect your visa status. You must meet with an International Center Advisor. As an undergraduate student we recommend you meet with your academic counselor and graduate students meet with their graduate student coordinators or faculty advisor before taking steps to cancel or withdraw. This will help you learn about the consequences, fee payment/reimbursements and readmission.

If you decide to withdraw you must notify and receive approval from the International Center. If the International Center is not aware of your decision to withdraw and you are no longer enrolled, your SEVIS record will be terminated for “Failure to Enroll”. You will lose your F-1/J-1 visa status including F-1 and J-1 employment eligibility and benefits, and will not have a grace period and must plan to leave the U.S. immediately.

Steps to Withdraw:

Medical/Health Withdrawal

A Medical RCL will authorize you to enroll in less than 12 units, or no enrollment due to illness or medical condition.  We recommend that you schedule a time to meet with an International Student Advisor at the International Center if you need information about a Medical RCL.

Requirements for Medical RCL:

  • Must be in the U.S. for medical treatment
  • Will only be approved an a quarter-by-quarter basis.
  • You must provide a letter with recommendation for reduced course-load.
  • The letter must be signed by one of the following:
    • Medical Doctor (MD); or
    • Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); or
    • Licensed Psychologist; or
    • Clinical Psychologist.

The letter must include the following:

  • Written on offical letterhead, dated and signed.
  • State that you are under medical/health care.
  • Include a clear recommendation that you should reduce your course load or take a leave; and include the dates of recommendation (start and end date).

If you are a graduate student applying for Leave of Absence due to Health/Medical reasons you must also contact your graduate department to initiate the Leave of Absence process. You must also complete the Reduced Course Load.